Wednesday, 17 June 2009

My music is where I'd like you to touch!

The prospect of triple j's Hottest 100 Of All Time poll has for some reason thrilled the shit out of me. Probably just the pleasure of pseudo-constructive dilatory activities (thinking about things!), but I like lists/like popular music/didn't like High Fidelity but still like music lists anyway. I guess that's why? So while I'm carefully compiling my own top 10 favourites EVER (it's ridiculously hard, have so far shortlisted 108 songs...), here is a link the imperfect but generally valid timeline from the jjj website of pop landmarks from the 60s to now. Behold, Stuff You Really Should Know!


Here lie Bodhi's Favourite Songs in No Real Order, At the Age of 17 and One Half, With Short Explanations. But yeah, voted for these 'uns.

  • Truce - The Dresden Dolls
    The ultimate break up song. Clocks in at just over 8 and a half minutes, which is all you need really when it charts the successive stages of loss, self-destruction, anger, and bitter victory of a broken relationship. Simultaneously melodramatic and mental but heartbreaking and human and true. I like it alot. Amanda Palmer is my favourite.
  • I Like Giants - Kimya Dawson
    First listening: A nondescript Thursday night somewhere in the wheezy start-up months of 2007, being driven home from that horrible dance class in Dad's little guava Mitsubishi, listening to triple j. We both sat in the car for just another a minute or two more once we'd pulled up , transfixed by her humility. This song sounds so naive, but so wise, and so catchy! Special place in my heart fer sher.
  • Someone Great - LCD Soundsystem
    Just before I left for India in December 2007 I decided that I needed a Favourite Song. This came along. It fit! Perfectly ambiguous lyrics, bizarrely melancholy electronica. Curled up with mild food poisoning and a bruised heart in the women's dorms in an ashram in Bihar I used to listen to this on repeat, real soft to save batteries. There were no power points so I had to ration my mp3 player pretty hard for a few weeks... Someone Great got about 70% of listening time. It's like sublime.
  • Fiction - The Luckmiths
    Mmm love a good narrative song. So chill, so wry, so nice!
  • Be Gentle With Me - The Boy Least Likely To
    Actually I'm kinda pissed that this song has wormed its way onto my final list over so much other high quality material. I'm really sick of it's sickening cuteness. But it seems to describe me so perfectly, and has continued to do so despite the massive emotional and other changes I've gone through the past two years, that it's somehow made it anyway. You've won this round BLLT!
  • Overture - Patrick Wolf
    Deep stirring string parts are such a frigging turn on, honestly. This dark-amazing-beautiful creature (combined with Regina Spektor's Hotel Song, which was on the shortlist), brings back the most vivid memories of the new perspective of moving house for the first time ever: July 2007, gloves, gardenias, walking home, generally healing. Furthermore, his Magic Position tour in November that same year was possibly the most fucking incredible thing I have ever seen/heard/felt!
  • Hey Ya - Outkast
    Have you ever been to a party? Have you ever danced to this song in the glorious fizzy first stages of love at first slightly drunk? If the answer to the second question is no, then you have never been to a party.
  • The Anglo-Saxons - The Mountain Goats
    I feel genuinely guilty for putting an obscure historical novelty song as my MG choice here, given the breathtaking intelligence and emotional honesty of the rest of his stuff. But it was too hard to choose between Love Love Love, This Year, Autoclave, Going To Georgia, and everything else, so I went with this one because it never fails to pin a silly grin all over my face. Plus, history is awesome!
  • Hurt - Johnny Cash
    Mercifully, I've actually moved on from really loving this song in terms of the degree to which it speaks to my current experiences, but it is still so good. Also covers rock and my list needed one and this may be the most moving and 'original' cover version of a song ever.
  • April Skies - The Jesus and Mary Chain
    Just awesome. Another break up song, if you're into that sort of thing (I clearly am.) Now that I think about it, this spot could possibly have gone to a more deserving recipient, but I was tired and under pressure while voting. No regrets though! Non, je ne regrette rien...
  • Bonus Beatles song: Rocky Raccoon
    No best-songs-of-all-time list is complete with a song by them, so I'm cheating with the blog version. Similarly, I can't believe there's no Cure or Smiths here either, but there you go. Rocky Raccoon is a hugely underrated, the ye-olde sense of ballad and honky tonk piano gets me every time. So playful!

This list is ridiculously incomplete, but all's fair in love and war and music polls, and sacrifices had to be made (however unwise). This isn't 'Nam, bitches get left behind.

If you voted, gimme your list! Or even if you didn't, devise a favourite song list anyway. It's sehr challenging but an interesting process.

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