I am not entirely pleased, but will try to be prudent and put off judging him until I've actually seen the new series. Speaking as someone who started watching the Doctor Who revival series very early because of a sci-fi geek dad, but became mildly obsessed when David Tennant took the role in, what, 2006/7 or summat? (no 2005 apparently, but surely that wasn't screening in Aus back then) I can testify that the show is in fact watchable even without his dishy goodness, BUT the new Doctor, Matt Smith, is like 26 and kind of twitty-looking. So my hopes are not high. I was also a little disappointed that they didn't pick a black or Asian guy as was generally rumoured, or a women I guess (as implausible as that would have been, but it's science fiction and Russel T Davies' writing has been getting weirder and arguably worse of late anyways... But um he's being replaced too so there ya go!) OKAY so, have some pictures and an excerpt from an article, and tell me what you think. Good, bad or ugly?

At 26, Smith is three years younger than Peter Davison when he signed up to play the fifth Doctor in 1981.
Smith will first appear on TV screens as the 11th Doctor in 2010.
He was cast over Christmas and will begin filming for the fifth series of Doctor Who in the summer. Tennant is filming four specials in 2009.
Smith was named as Tennant's replacement in Saturday's edition of Doctor Who Confidential on BBC One.
The programme was watched by an audience of 6.9 million people at its peak, according to official overnight figures.
The actor said: "I feel proud and honoured to have been given this opportunity to join a team of people that has worked so tirelessly to make the show so thrilling.
"David Tennant has made the role his own, brilliantly, with grace, talent and persistent dedication. I hope to learn from the standards set by him.
"The challenge for me is to do justice to the show's illustrious past, my predecessors, and most importantly, to those who watch it. I really cannot wait."
Piers Wenger, head of drama at BBC Wales, said that as soon as he had seen Smith's audition he "knew he was the one".
The 11 Doctors
1. William Hartnell (1963-1966)
2. Patrick Troughton (1966-1969)
3. Jon Pertwee (1970-1974)
4. Tom Baker (1974-1981)
5. Peter Davison - pictured (1982-1984)
6. Colin Baker (1984-1986)
7. Sylvester McCoy (1987-1996)
8. Paul McGann (1996)
9. Christopher Eccleston (2005)
10. David Tennant (2005-2010)
11. Matt Smith (2010 - ?)
1. William Hartnell (1963-1966)
2. Patrick Troughton (1966-1969)
3. Jon Pertwee (1970-1974)
4. Tom Baker (1974-1981)
5. Peter Davison - pictured (1982-1984)
6. Colin Baker (1984-1986)
7. Sylvester McCoy (1987-1996)
8. Paul McGann (1996)
9. Christopher Eccleston (2005)
10. David Tennant (2005-2010)
11. Matt Smith (2010 - ?)

But in others he's kind of yuppie-geek-cute. Plastic specs to nothing to hide that big man jaw though...

It's motherlickin' huge!
So now the question is: the next lady sidekick? (Cause that's all women are good for...) Will it be Lily Allen? And if so, what the fucking fuck?
1 comment:
Indeed. I am a little tense about the new doctor (being a sci-fi dweeb myself), but have decided to reserve judgement, since I hated both of the last two doctors, only to find myself falling in love with them just before they were replaced.
If only they would find a good one and stick with him (or her preferably) for a decent whack of time. I was not a fan of "The Bride" either, but I did relish the thought of a female doctor for a brief moment.
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