Thursday, 25 December 2008

Dashing through the snow, etc.


#474; In which you better Watch Out

This one kinda dilutes the message, but gosh dang whadda classic: (& lol)

I don't really mind Xmas (as I've taken to calling it in a really feeble secular gesture, considering that the X actually stands for Christ in Greek lettering or someshit- whatever, it LOOKS different!*) as like... a cultural tradition, familial bonding sort of event. I guess. Not that my family is doing excessive amounts bonding though- it does feel pretty pathetic to be cruising the internet on Xmas Day! (Also I first typed that as "excessive amounts of bondage", which is true and pretty comforting...) From my room I can hear neighbours on every side getting drunk and singing ABBA kareoke, makes me feel sorta deprived and lonelylike. No big jolly crazy times here! But at least we don't have to go to church. And I got some presents. So nothing to complain about really...

I will though, because gotta say I do wish my laptop knew it was Xmas. Maybe then it would stop giving me so much shit (on this most holy of days)- the volume control is having an epileptic fit and Amanda Palmer's blog won't open, in addition to which it has managed to summon me for a daily web trawl on what should really be a completely web trawl-free day. I've even checked my Facebook, for fuck's sake! Alas poor Yorrick etc.

*EDIT: Language Log of course has a significantly more sensible position on the matter, from a while back... Bah humbug.


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