Thursday, 23 October 2008

The Hack Half Hour

If you listen to triple j with any semblance of regularity you'll probably be familiar with the "HACK" radio show on weekdays at 5:30 which basically takes a more in depth look at social issues/hot topics in Australia in an interesting, informative and entertaining way. You'll also probably then be familiar with the spin-off TV show, The Hack Half Hour (Mondays 8:30 ABC2) which has a similar format of mixing pre-recorded footage with interviews from a focus group made up of both regular people and specialists on topics like street fighting, home ownership and porn. It's been showing for a bit over a month now and I highly recommend it if you're interested in what's going on and the ways different people are thinking in the world around you.

I felt compelled to share this show after last Monday's episode in particular, which was about the importance of image in society. Personally, I reckon the sassy philosopher should have gotten more screen time. The ex-anorexic has the view that I can most relate to (and somewhat ironically, she is so stylish!) and Sophia reminds me of Tiffany from Daria. But basically, as a teenage girl watching a program about an issue that is (arguably ridiculously) high on most teenage girls' agendas, I thought it offered a balanced view (although obviously limited by a half hour time limit) and if you're interested you can download or stream the vodcast from here.

Also, if you download 'Myface' (episode 1, about social networking on the internet)- 'OLY SHIT IS THAT BREE BITES IN THE INTRO? We are living in strange times, my friends... That particular episode is well worth watching too I think, for all the MySpace and Facebook addicts out there (don't lie, you love it...) -somewhat eye-opening really. Interests me personally because that online persona has been such a big part of my life, and those of some of my friends too, for the past few years. I'm considering deleting my MySpace account, for reasons I won't expand upon right here and now... And again, it's a good episode because it presents a variety of views on internet privacy, judging people by their profiles, the impact of what you do online on your actual life, etc and I find that sort of thing quite relevant. Just thought I'd share!


Anonymous said...

that soudns interesting. remind me and ill watch it next week.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, the infamous Hack half hour, Myface episode. CRINGEEEEEEEEEEE