Doctor Who star David Tennant has announced he will leave the hit science-fiction series at the end of 2009.
Tennant, who has played the tenth incarnation of the Time Lord since 2006 after taking over from Christopher Eccleston, said he will leave the role after completing production on the four special episodes to be screened in the UK in 2009 and early 2010, according to report from the BBC website.
"I've had the most brilliant, bewildering and life changing time working on Doctor Who," Tennant said.
"I have loved every day of it. It would be very easy to cling on to the Tardis console forever and I fear that if I don't take a deep breath and make the decision to move on now, then I simply never will.
"You would be prising the Tardis key out of my cold dead hand. This show has been so special to me, I don't want to outstay my welcome."
No word has been given as to who will play the Doctor's 11th incarnation after he regenerates at the end of the special episodes, but a fifth series of the show has been confirmed, with long-time writer Stephen Moffett taking over executive producing duties from show-runner Russell T. Davies, who is also leaving.
"I've been lucky and honoured to work with David over the past few years - and it's not over yet, the tenth Doctor still has five spectacular hours left! After which, I might drop an anvil on his head. Or maybe a piano. A radioactive piano.
"But we're planning the most enormous and spectacular ending, so keep watching!" Davies said.
-SMH, October 30, 2008 - 10:11AM
Life as we know it is over... Gah he was so dishy. Gallavanting off to play Hamlet in an English accent? IN A MEDIOCRE FASHION? Is that what you want to do David? Well fine, fine, fine. You USED to be cute!
(Actually fine, you still are very cute. But you've hurt me. You made even the bad episodes enjoyable, something Eccleston could just never really do for me... That said the earlier seasons were kinda better written/concieved/so on. But anyway, I loved you, you bastard!)
So R.I.P. in advance, 10th Doctor. I hope you are replaced by Hugh Grant! To mark this moment, a cute jokey picture I found on the internet that will hopefully symbolise a fruitful new beginning for Mr. 11: Enjoy! Adieu!